Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/17/2021
- Good, Better, Best: Untangling The Complex World Of Accessible Patterns -- Smashing Magazine
"While this constant change in the technology industry has led to innovation and advancements we see today, it has also introduced the concept of choice. While choice -- on the surface -- may seem like an inherently positive thing, it does not always equal rainbows and roses."
- Chapter 7: Standards | CSS-Tricks
"A prominent designer and standards advocate, Zeldman would have an enduring influence on makers of the web. He would later run WaSP during some of its most influential years."
- Deque Wraps First axe-con: Largest Digital Accessibility Conference Ever
"The 17,000+ professionals who registered for the free event will be able to view recordings of each session for the next six months at the axe-con website. Over 60 percent of those registered have already attended."
- WICG/floc: FLoC
"This is an explainer for a new way that browsers could enable interest-based advertising on the web, in which the companies who today observe the browsing behavior of individuals instead observe the behavior of a cohort of similar people."
- re-upped: Short note on the disabled/aria-disabled attributes - HTML Accessibility
"aria-disabled does one thing: It sets the disabled state in the accessibility tree exposed in the browser. If using a screen reader, when the user navigates to the control, the disabled state will be conveyed. It does not effect control operation, or navigation, or value submission"
- Practical accessibility, part 1: Markup semantics & ARIA | Filament Group, Inc.
"there are some absolute truths to coding for accessibility, rules and patterns that are reiterated throughout the documentation and testing practices."
- Better Line Breaks for Long URLs | CSS-Tricks
"Fortunately, there's an (under-appreciated) HTML element for this express purpose: the <wbr> element, which represents a line break opportunity."
- You Can't Solve Accessibility with 1 Line of Code | Practical Ecommerce
"Automation can't solve many common and critical accessibility hurdles. One is form-field labels. Identifying a missing label is easy. But there's no way to know what label-text to insert."