Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/11/2021
- Background: Should I use an accessibility overlay? - The A11Y Project
"Due to their technical, social, and moral issues, The A11Y Project does not recommend using permanent plugins. We view these kinds of products as actively harmful, and a step backwards for digital accessibility efforts."
- Aurora UI -- new visual trend for 2021 | by Michal Malewicz | Mar, 2021 | UX Collective
"Blurred, organic gradient backgrounds are going to be a thing this year."
- Dark Mode's rise: Should your emails always be dark? - Litmus
"from an accessibility standpoint, you can't ignore the benefits both light and dark designs give subscribers. There's no one-color-scheme-fits-all approach."
- CSS Auditing Tools -- Smashing Magazine
"Yellow Lab Tools, is a free tool for auditing web performance, but it also includes some very helpful helpers for measure the complexity of your CSS -- and also provides actionable insights into how to resolve these issues."
- The Dangerous Path of the Accessibility Overlay - Joe Dolson Web Accessibility
"Using an overlay takes away choices and decision making. If the overlay confers any additional accessibility, it does it thoughtlessly, based on some set of complex rules."
- Study Shows Its Automated Testing Identifies 57 Percent of Digital Accessibility Issues
"It's clear that accessibility coverage should be calculated based on the volume of real-world data of issues that occur in the wild. This allows development teams to make a much greater impact"
- For All Moonkind Moon Registry - Human Heritage on the Moon
"The mission of For All Moonkind is to ensure historic lunar landing and similar sites in outer space are recognized for their outstanding value to humanity and consequently preserved and protected for posterity by the international community as part of our common human heritage."