Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/17/2021
- A developer's perspective: the problem with screen reader testing | Jake Tracey
"As a developer regularly faced with time constraints, I have often wondered: what should be the baseline in terms of testing for screen readers, and what browser and screen reader combinations are the most important to cover in order to achieve the greatest level of WCAG compliance?"
- 1682995 - Enable AVIF support by default
"Basic AVIF support is enabled in Firefox 86. Some advanced features like animated images and colorspace support are still in development"
- State of JS 2020
"As crappy as 2020 was, JavaScript as a whole still managed to somehow move forward. As the language itself keeps improving thanks to new features like Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing, TypeScript's widespread adoption is taking things to a whole other level by popularizing static typing."
- Nested Media Queries - Bram.us
"support for nested @media blocks was added to Opera 12.50 back in 2012! Its syntax is defined in the CSS Conditional Rules Module specification."
- Timing is everything | Derek Featherstone
"A Deaf or Hard-of-hearing person still got the same information. But they definitely didn't get the same experience. There's a difference."
- Two Issues Styling the Details Element and How to Solve Them | CSS-Tricks
"Because expand-and-collapse interactivity is already baked into the <details> and <summary> HTML tags, you can now make disclosure widgets without any JavaScript or CSS. But you still might want some. Left unstyled, <details> disclosure widgets present us with two issues."
- The no-mouse challenge: Taking the keyboard navigation red pill | by Denis Boudreau | Jan, 2021 | UX Collective
"Not everyone out there relies on a mouse or a trackpad when using their computers."