Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/23/2020
- Glassmorphism in user interfaces. Another year, another UI trend is... | by Michal Malewicz | Nov, 2020 | UX Collective
"That verticality and the fact you can see through it, means users can establish hierarchy and depth of the interface. They simply see which layer is on top of which, just like pieces of virtual glass."
- The UI & UX Tips Collection: Volume One. | Marc Andrew
"Creating beautiful, but also practical UIs takes time, with a lengthy amount of design revisions along the way. I know. I've been there before."
- "Yes or No?" -- One Checkbox vs Two Radio Buttons.
"The answer is, as with most matters: It depends. Depending on the type of content you're working with and the kind of information you're asking for, it could easily either be one checkbox or two radio buttons."
- Global brands put accessibility centre stage: TechShare Pro 2020 | AbilityNet
"It's never technology and process that comes in the way of change; it's behaviours. It's our mindset; our beliefs."
- Deque releases axe-core 4.1 | Deque
"Our well known mantra of axe-core is that we will treat false positives as bugs. If you find one and tell us about it, we will fix it. Axe-core is currently downloaded several million times every week, so even very rare types of bugs get reported."
- A Complete Guide to CSS Gradients | CSS-Tricks
"Gradients are typically one color that fades into another, but CSS allows you to control every aspect of how that happens, from the direction and the shape to the colors and how they transition from one to another."