Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/01/2020
- WordPress and Jamstack | CSS-Tricks
"A self-hosted WordPress site runs on a server with a full stack of technology available to it. It makes sense to ask as much of that server as you can (i.e. integrated). In a Jamstack approach, the server is abstracted from you. Everything else you need to do is split into different services (i.e. not integrated)."
- Adactio: Journal--ARIA in CSS
"Generally, ARIA attributes--like aria-hidden--are added by JavaScript at runtime (rather than being hard-coded in the HTML). If something goes wrong with the JavaScript, the aria-hidden value isn't set to "true", which means that the CSS never kicks in."
- Comparing Various Ways to Hide Things in CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Accessibility: Is the hidden content read by a screen reader? / Document flow: Will the hidden element affect the document layout? / Rendering: Will the hidden element's box model be rendered? / Event triggers: Does the element detect clicks or focus?"
- It's time to recognise internet access as a human right - World Wide Web Foundation
"In this crisis, for those who have it, the web is not a luxury. It's a lifeline."
- Twitter preconnects to the wrong domains
"The incorrect domain name used for the preconnect seems to originate from the display URL property of Twitter's API. It strips out the www. prefix to make a "display version" of the URL."
- AMP for Email Adds Developer-Focused Features - Litmus
"Although it only took up one slide and a few seconds during the announcement video, Google's updated CSS support adds some extremely useful features for email developers."