Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/18/2020
- Read Me: Magazine
"studies suggest that on medium, a popular platform for long blog posts, the average read-through rate is around 40 %--that means only two out of five readers that start reading an article, will actually stick around to finish it"
- An Introduction to Multi-Platform Design Systems | dbanksdesign
"Did you know that less than 10%* of public design systems support platforms other than the web?"
- Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions) | CSS-Tricks
"If you're modifying your site's layout/functionality based on these media features, be aware that the site may suddenly change "under the user's feet" whenever the inputs change -- not just when the page/site is first loaded."
- Notes on the web, take 1 - QuirksBlog
"If you use footnotes on the web (i.e. what would be endnotes in a book) each saparate note must refer back to the note market in the main text, like Wikipedia does."
- CSS Variables 101
"The main purpose of this article is that I wanted to have a place where I can dump all the information I know about CSS variables, and even learn more and document them."
- What is Plain Language and Why Does It Matter?
""If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough," Albert Einstein said. In this light, the use of plain language is a sign of expertise."