Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/26/2020
- Wikipedia is getting a new look for the first time in 10 years. Here's why. - Diff
"If all goes to plan, these improvements will be the default on all wikis by the end of 2021, timed with Wikipedia's 20th birthday celebrations."
- Adobe unveils ambitious multi-year vision for PDF: Introduces Liquid Mode
"Leveraging the power of Adobe Sensei -- our cutting-edge AI framework -- to understand the structure of PDFs, we have begun to reimagine how people read and interact with digital documents, starting with reinventing mobile productivity beyond the 8.5x11 page."
- Rethinking Accessibility
"imagine for a brief moment, a paradigm wherein accessibility was seen through the proper filter, which is that accessibility is not a service to a customer, but is rather, a portal for new customers to approach a business. What would that world look like?"
- WebAIM: WAVE 3.1 Release
"Version 3.1 of the various WAVE web accessibility evaluation tools has been released. These updates are now available in the online WAVE tool, the Chrome and Firefox extensions, the WAVE subscription API and stand-alone API, and the WAVE Runner reporting service."
- Speed and performance of Web dev, SEO, and marketing agencies websites
"2.9% of websites provide good user experience to their users, ie Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) occurs within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading"
- On not choosing WordPress for the W3C redesign project - Working in the open with W3C and Studio 24
"All in, we spent around 15 days on the CMS platform choice. Enough to help evaluate a limited number of options, but not enough to do a thorough review of the state of accessibility in a wide range of CMSs."