Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/24/2020
- Adactio: Journal--Web browsers on iOS
"It is contradictory. It is hypocritical. It is indefensible."
- VoiceOver on iOS 14 Supports Description Lists | Adrian Roselli
"Be aware that VoiceOver persists in its list style quirks. CSS display property bugs in Safari can override your description list semantics. Other list properties are likely to do it as well, so test."
- ComicA11y - An all inclusive online comic experiment.
"ComicA11y is an experiment that aims to achieve an all-inclusive online comic reading experience. Because comics should be universal."
- Panic - Nova
"Long ago, we created Coda, an all-in-one Mac web editor that broke new ground. But when we started work on Nova, we looked at where the web was today, and where we needed to be. It was time for a fresh start."
- Thinking About Power Usage and Websites | CSS-Tricks
"what about comparing technologies? I suspect it's far more about what that technology (or language) is doing than the language itself."
- Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained | CSS-Tricks
"Over the last few years, we've come to realize that some types of motion on screen, even as part of an interface, can cause people with motion sensitivities to become physically ill."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: New Schema.org support for retailer shipping data
"Starting today, we support shippingDetails schema.org markup as an alternative way for retailers to be eligible for shipping details in Google Search results."