Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/07/2020
- Chromium Blog: Chrome 86: Improved Focus Highlighting, WebHID, and More
"For users who rely on a keyboard or similar assistive technology to navigate the web, the focus indicator is a crucial visual affordance. To improve both the user and developer experience of working with focus, Chrome 86 is introducing two features."
- Chromium Blog: Giving users and developers more control over focus
"The Quick Focus Highlight is a user preference that causes the currently focused element to display an indicator for two seconds. The Quick Focus Highlight will always display, even if a page has disabled focus styles using CSS."
- Monitor Site Speed With Chrome UX Report and Google Apps Script | Viget
"Through BigQuery, we can pull in custom benchmarking data for clients' loading performance and compare it to the dataset as a whole. The Chrome UX report has a number of different metrics available, but this approach focuses specifically on FCP, or First Contentful Paint."
- When there is no content between headings
"When you use a heading element, you set the expectation of content--always have content between headings of the same level."
- Stroke Text CSS: The Definitive Guide - Coding Dude
"In this tutorial I will show you how to create the stroke text CSS effect."
- Usablenet - Webinar Wrap Up: Best Practices and Legal Strategies for ADA Lawsuits
"Almost 25% of ADA lawsuits hit on repeated complaints"
- Ground Rules for Web Animations | CSS-Tricks
"In this article, we'll discuss about adding animations into product websites. Let's dig into that a bit and lay down some ground rules for working with them. Not so much a manifesto, but more like a baseline we can reference and sort of rally around."