Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/07/2020
- LEGO IDEAS - SpaceX Dragon Endeavor (Demo-2)
"On May 30th, at 3:22 EST, the Dragon Endeavor (Dragon 2) launch astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley into space, bringing back crewed space launches to American soil, for the first time in 9 years. Now, you can support to get this into stores!"
- The UX of LEGO Interface Panels - George Cave
"These iconic, low-resolution designs are the perfect tool to learn the basics of physical interface design. Armed with 52 different bricks, let's see what they can teach us about the design, layout and organisation of complex interfaces."
- Form design best practices. Learn how to improve the design of... | by Andrew Coyle | NextUX | Aug, 2020 | Medium
"Learn how to improve the design of digital forms"
- Chapter 1: Birth | CSS-Tricks
"Berners-Lee was proficient at many things, but he was never a great salesman. He loved his idea for the web. But he had to convince everybody else to love it too."
- HTML for Subheadings and Headings | CSS-Tricks
"Testing from Steve and Léonie suggest that browsers generally treat it as a "heading without a level." JAWS is the exception, which treats it like an <h2>. That seems OK... maybe? Steve even thinks putting the subheading first is OK."
- Optimizing CSS for faster page loads - Tomas Pustelnik's personal website
"Not long ago I decided to improve the loading times of my website. It already loads pretty fast, but I knew there was still room for improvement and one of them was CSS loading. I will walk you through the process and show you how you can improve your load times as well."