Diigo Bookmarks 06/20/2020
- Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them | W3C Blog
"The Working Draft of Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them explores challenges that occur in some settings, such as large, highly dynamic websites, including those that aggregate significant amounts of content, when using the page-based conformance of WCAG 2 to verify conformance of websites and web applications."
- Looking back at five years of AMP - The AMP Blog
"This criticism largely fell into two camps: concerns about the AMP URL and its potential impact on publisher traffic, and the AMP requirement for publishers to be eligible to appear in the Top Stories feature in Google Search."
- Adobe Flash Player End of Life
"As previously announced in July 2017, Adobe will stop distributing and updating Flash Player after December 31, 2020 ("EOL Date")."
- The form attribute
"It allows you to reference a specific <form> by its ID on an <button> or <input>. Let's see how to use it."
- Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all - The GitHub Blog
"Setting up a new repository with all the right linters for the different types of code can be time consuming and tedious. So many tools and configurations to choose from and often more than one linter is needed to cover all the languages used."
- Bootstrap 5 alpha! | Bootstrap Blog
"we're very happy to say that with v5, Bootstrap no longer depends on jQuery and we've dropped support for Internet Explorer."
- Adobe XD Update: June 2020 - Scroll Groups, Stacks & More
"The concept of design tokens was first introduced by Jina Anne as part of the Lightning Design System. Design tokens are a simple way to reference visual design decisions, like a color or the styling of body text, that can be used in code."
- Clipy/Clipy: Clipboard extension app for macOS.
"Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS."