Diigo Bookmarks 06/14/2020
- We Analyzed 10,000,000 Pages and Here's Where Most Fail with ADA and WCAG 2.1 Compliance - accessiBe
"As seen from the results, oftentimes plugin and template developers do try to conform with certain requirements, but these are often not even close to sufficient."
- Equivalent Experiences: Thinking Equivalently -- Smashing Magazine
"Constructing an equivalent experience may mean changing the way you think about development and design, and potentially reevaluating your existing work. In this article, we'll address common accessibility issues, and how to best go about improving them so everyone can effortlessly access your content."
- Getting started with a history, skill guide and how-to of web standards. -- Web Platform Contribution Guide documentation
"Browsers with minority user share are at disadvantage because many web developers only test in the current market leader, leaving their sites broken in other browsers, which creates incentive for users to switch browsers. This can ultimately lead to the minority browser to stop developing that browser's engine, resulting in less browser engine diversity."
- AVIF for Next-Generation Image Coding - Netflix TechBlog
"We need an alternative to JPEG that a) is widely supported, b) has better compression efficiency and c) has a wider feature set. We believe AV1 Image File Format (AVIF) has the potential."
- IBM Accessibility Launches an Open Source Toolkit - G3ict: The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs
"This release is a complete re-write of the tool that we have used for automated testing inside of IBM. The Accessibility Checker boasts an all new UI, a new engine behind the scenes, and a ruleset of over 160 (and growing) rules and help guidance."
- 10 Things to Know About Twitter's Alternative Text for Images
"You can add up to 1000 characters of alt text to an image. Note: just because you can add that many characters doesn't mean you should. Alt text is meant to be concise and descriptive."
- Everything You Have to Know About Core Web Vitals - Calibre
"The reason why First Input Delay only exists in one set is that it cannot be measured in a lab setting--there is no user input to be quantified."