Diigo Bookmarks 06/11/2020
- Diversity and Inclusion at W3C: 2020 update; future of the W3C Diversity Fund | W3C Blog
"We must start, reflecting on our times, by saying clearly that we need to do a lot more to improve our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) including race, gender and disability. We have a long way to go, and we'd like to start taking steps to correct it."
- The complete guide to CSS media queries | Polypane browser for dev & design
"Media queries are what make modern responsive design possible. With them you can set different styling based on things like a users screen size, device capabilities or user preferences."
- Tradeoffs and Shifting Complexity - daverupert.com
"Tradeoffs. Passing complexity. I can't unsee it. In fact, it's all I see sometimes. And I'm sure my Jim-from-The-Office face comes out in a meeting when someone claims there are "no drawbacks" to a given approach. O, to possess that ignorance again."
- Legacy Applications and Accessibility | Deque
"As a rule, tab indexes should never be set to a positive number. Legacy applications are often the biggest perpetrators of breaking this rule."
- Build real-time editing into your site. | TinaCMS
"Tina is an open-source site editing toolkit for React-based sites like Gatsby & Next.js"
- How to adapt SEO strategies for the zero-click search landscape
"these zero-click searches account for just shy of 55% of all Google search results, outdoing organic results altogether."