Diigo Bookmarks 06/07/2020
- Colors in CSS
"the drawback of using HSL colors combined with CSS variables is that the behavior between browsers is still not consistent. For example, the example above won't show a colored square in Firefox."
- What Is an SVG Font? All About SVG Fonts
"The SVG glyph format allows the characters to be displayed in multiple colors and different transparencies, and some may even be animated. These attributes are not supported by regular OTF and TTF formats."
- Why GraphQL? - Wisdom Geek
"The major focus of GraphQL is the optimization of network requests in order to fetch only the data that the client needs (preventing under-fetching and over-fetching)."
- CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers | Web Platform News
"The new CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes are now supported in the preview versions of both Safari (Tech Preview 106) and Firefox (version 78). Chrome's implementation remains behind flag."
- Understand why CSS has no effect with the Inactive CSS rules indicator in Firefox DevTools · Manorisms
"As of Firefox 70, there is an awesome new feature called Inactive CSS that will gray out CSS declarations that have no effect, provide tips on what is wrong, suggest ways to fix it, and provide a helpful link for more information."
- How I Used Brotli to Get Even Smaller CSS and JavaScript Files at CDN Scale | CSS-Tricks
"Brotli:11, or Brotli compression level 11, can offer significant reduction in the size of compressible files, but has a substantial trade-off: it is painfully slow and not feasible for on demand compression the same way gzip is capable of doing it. It costs significantly more in terms of CPU time."
- ScrollTrigger - Plugins - GreenSock
"ScrollTrigger is built on GSAP, the battle-tested standard for JavaScript animation that's used on over 10,000,000 sites worldwide including most award-winning ones."