Diigo Bookmarks 05/23/2020
- Don't Fear Empty Divs (And Other Semantic Faux Pas) - Cory Etzkorn
"I am here to encourage you to think critically about views and beliefs you've held for a long time and be open to changing them. It doesn't always matter what StackOverflow says. There are always multiple ways to solve a problem."
- What's New in Lighthouse 6.0
"Lighthouse 6.0 is available immediately on npm and in Chrome Canary. Other Google services that leverage Lighthouse will get the update by the end of the month. It will land in Chrome Stable in Chrome 84 (mid-July)."
- Focus changes landing in Firefox 78 | Words
"Different platforms have different conventions on when to show outlines (more on this below). One thing is clear though: When navigating using the keyboard, missing focus indicators are a bug."
- Do you really need a design system?
"Define the digital DNA of your products"
- The Need for Speed, 23 Years Later
"What is surprising is that, despite today's much faster network speeds and computer processors, people using the internet today are still plagued by the exact same frustration: slow websites."
- Microsoft shows off its Edge browser running on Linux - Neowin
"Today at Microsoft's Build 2020 developer conference, the company briefly showed its Edge browser running on Linux for the first time."
- Design System Principles | Spencer Miskoviak
"The wrong abstraction is worse than no abstraction: this isn't unique to design systems but is worth repeating. Are they really the same component?"