Diigo Bookmarks 05/09/2020
- The beauty of progressive enhancement - Manuel Matuzović
"Don't rely on browser statistics, think about who you're building websites for. Our users are diverse, just like their physical abilities, personal preferences, and the devices and browsers they're using."
- Results of labeling lists | scottohara.me
"A web page that contains multiple lists where there is ambiguity in what each list represents could be a candidate for receiving an accessible name. But a revised content structure (e.g., using a heading prior to the list) could also help remediate the ambiguity."
- No cookie consent walls -- and no, scrolling isn't consent, says EU data protection body | TechCrunch
"The EDPB's intervention should -- should! -- remove any inconsistencies of interpretation on the updated points by national agencies of the bloc's 27 Member States."
- Is it time for a Web Performance rebrand? - Simon Hearne
"Web Performance and Web Performance Optimization are still valid and descriptive terms for our industry, but we might benefit from a change to our language when working with others."
- GoogleChrome/web-vitals-extension: A Chrome extension to measure essential metrics for a healthy site
"This extension measures the three Core Web Vitals metrics in a way that matches how they're measured by Chrome and reported to other Google tools (e.g. Chrome User Experience Report, Page Speed Insights, Search Console)."
- CSS Clamp: The Goldilocks of CSS Math Functions - Steve Fenton
"Clamp takes three arguments, clamp(min, size, max)."
- genderev/prerender.js: Fast webpages for all browsers.
"Prerendering loads all the assets of a page before the user navigates to that page. Conventionally, prerendering is like opening the URL in a hidden tab and then showing that hidden tab once the user clicks on it."
- We studied the design of 10,000 websites. Here's what we found
"We found that across all three metrics--color, layout, and AI-generated attributes--the average differences between websites peaked between 2008 and 2010 and then decreased between 2010 and 2016. Layout differences decreased the most, declining over 30% in that time frame."