Diigo Bookmarks 05/05/2020
- Wonder Blocks: on the creation of Khan Academy's Design System
"What is the TSM (Technical Sustainability Milestone)? A time-boxed period of inward focus for the engineering and design teams to address tech debt, consistency, infrastructure upgrades including performance, security, practices, and tools"
- Checkered pattern for loading images, revisited - Jonnie Hallman (@destroytoday)
"It'd be easy enough to use an SVG data URI, but that's still not impressive. I did remember coming across a CSS trick where linear-gradient could be used to fake a checkered pattern."
- Inclusive Inputs « Texte | ovl - code & design
"Currently, it seems like we, as an industry, don't even get the basics of semantic HTML right."
- How to prepare and use variable fonts on the web | The Trevor Harmon
"To put it simple-you only have a single file for all font variations instead of a file per variation. When you're using custom fonts on the web, this means fewer files and faster load times."
- Thinking in Behaviors, Not Screen Sizes | CSS-Tricks
"Thinking in behaviors is always more effective because there are so many things that can impact a component beyond what screen or device width we're working with."
- Page Load Time vs. Response Time - What Is the Difference? - Pingdom Royal
"Response time is often defined as the time to first byte (TTFB), which is the time it takes for the browser to receive the first byte of data being transferred from the server."