Diigo Bookmarks 05/04/2020
- CSS { In Real Life } | Exciting Things on the Horizon For CSS Layout
"To be able to do this in CSS has always felt like a distant dream. But Miriam Suzanne just announced that masonry grids are being tested in Firefox Nightly!"
- A systems view of brand design | Dropbox Design
"In parallel, I think scaling requires a great level of empathy and seeing your work through the eyes of your collaborators--knowing there's a component of subjectivity and artistry in design, while always trying to articulate some universal ideas to go back to."
- Accessibility in UX: The case for radical empathy | UX Magazine
"Accessibility design only widens the user pool, and helps all users. The practice of designing to maximise the user pool is known as Universal Design."
- Performance monitoring in CSS animations - Chegg - Medium
"Composite Layer creation is a place where CPU talks to GPU, to handle the animation. Using properties like transform and opacity, we can force the browser to do animation using GPU instead of CPU."
- CSS Custom Properties (vars) with SASS/SCSS, a practical architecture strategy - DEV Community
"First of all, define getters and setters for your CSS Custom Properties. Then use your getters and setters to deal with variables along the app providing a pattern and reliability, now you can really separate the concerns in a solid architecture."
- Making Things Better
"if we are not to have diversity in rendering engines then we need to double down on making sure that there is diversity of thought involved in the standards process."
- Design better, not more -- Anton Sten -- UX-lead
"If YouTube offers me options on what to watch next and they offer 100 options, surely one of them will be interesting. However, the truth is that most won't be. So if they offer 10 options, does the same ratio still stand?"