Diigo Bookmarks 04/29/2020
- Static or Not? | CSS-Tricks
"Just like a classic server-side CMS doesn't opt you out of building a static site, building with a static site doesn't opt you out of doing dynamic things -- even super duper fancy dynamic things."
- Less rigid design systems - Cloud Four
"I hope that the systems we create can support and help inform our decisions, not control them. If our design systems control our decisions too much, I'm afraid we'll find our websites may look increasingly similar once again."
- Building a Scalable CSS Architecture With BEM and Utility Classes | CSS-Tricks
"First, we'll do it using only the BEM approach, and we'll point out the issues you may face by going BEM only. Next, we'll see how Globals reduce the size of your CSS. Finally, we'll make the component customizable introducing utility classes to the mix."
- Redesigning How We Work | Mightybytes
"Only a renaissance in business, investment, and economic philosophy that rewards solving social and environmental problems--not just doing less harm--will make real and lasting change."
- Why We Say Accessibility is Now More Important than Ever
"the proverbial digital accessibility "can" can no longer be kicked down the road - it must be addressed now in order to ensure an equitable society where the talents and skills of all people can effectively be used for the greater good."
- SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them | CSS-Tricks
"Another important aspect of good favicon design is making sure they look good in the small browser tab area. The secret to this is making the paths of the vector image line up to the pixel grid, the guide a computer uses to turn SVG math into the bitmap we see on a screen."
- @property | CSS-Tricks
"That it's the CSS exact-equivalent to a CSS.registerProperty(), the JavaScript syntax for declaring CSS custom properties, also a new thing (under the Houdini umbrella, it seems)."