Diigo Bookmarks 04/24/2020
- How to add dark mode to a Gatsby site · Josh W Comeau
"When React first renders, we have no way of knowing what the user's color preferences are, since that render happens in the cloud, potentially hours or days before the user visits."
- Dark mode and variable fonts | CSS-Tricks
"We can use a lighter font weight to make the text easier to read whenever dark mode is active"
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 105 | WebKit
"Added Selectors Level 4 specificity calculation for pseudo classes"
- Innovating on Web Monetization: Coil and Firefox Reality - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"We're all familiar with the Error code 404 - page not found warning on the web. But probably not a single one of us has seen an "Error code 402 - payment required" warning. Payments are not something we as consumers use yet or encounter routinely in the wild."
- Accessible Font Sizing, Explained | CSS-Tricks
"when defining fonts, we have to avoid hindering the ability of a user or a device to change our styles and let go of assumptions: we just don't know where our content is going to land and we can't be sure about the exact size, language, or font that's used to display content."
- Internet performance during the COVID-19 emergency
"It's hard to imagine another utility (say electricity, water or gas) coping with a sudden and continuous increase in demand of 50%."
- Better Image Optimization by Restricting the Color Index - Eric's Archived Thoughts
"As I flipped between file formats in the Web Export dialog, I noticed something I'd previously overlooked in the PNG export options: a bit depth slider."