Diigo Bookmarks 04/23/2020
- Can JavaScript Detect the Browser's Zoom Level? | CSS-Tricks
"window.visualViewport.scale is always 1 in Safari and Chrome, and undefined in Firefox. In other words: useless."
- A History of the Samba and Cello Browsers - The History of the Web
"The first version of Internet Explorer was essentially a Mosaic fork, available, for a price, to Windows users."
- 98.css - A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs
"98.css is a CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98."
- Are you using SVG favicons yet? A guide for modern browsers.
"You should be using SVG favicons. They're supported in all modern browsers right now."
- Why wireframes are becoming obsolete -- Anton Sten -- UX-lead
"When there's a design system available, I find that creating high fidelity designs is faster than creating wireframes."
- "Making Design Systems Public," an article from SuperFriendly
"Creates accountability by demonstrating a commitment to a product dedicated to consistency and reusability"