Diigo Bookmarks 04/19/2020
- What is the JAMstack and how do I get started?
"Granted they have similarities in the philosophy of how resources are managed, such as hosting a site on S3. But a JAMstack app is not always going to be a serverless app."
- Introduction - Vime
"All your media player needs in one place - a modern alternative to Videojs and Plyr. Supports Html5, Hls, Dash, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and more to come."
- How gatsby generates your site at compile-time · Josh W Comeau
"The Gatsby team has been hard at work on incremental builds. The idea with incremental builds is that you shouldn't need to do a "full" rebuild when your content or your code changes."
- 10 security tips for frontend developers | Hacker Noon
"The highest score that SecurityHeaders can give us is "A+", and we should always try to aim for it."
- Designing for cognitive accessibility: Where to begin
"Some might believe these techniques are just common sense usability. But that is false -- if you have a focus and attention-related cognitive impairment (ADD/ADHD, depression/anxiety, or even recently had chemotherapy), these techniques are critical in enabling accessibility."
- Listboxes vs. Dropdown Lists
"Listboxes expose options right away and support multi-selection while dropdowns require a click to see options and support only single-selection."
- Building dark mode on Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow Blog
"On March 30, 2020, we enabled folks to opt into a beta dark mode on Stack Overflow. Let's talk about the work that went into it."