Diigo Bookmarks 03/31/2020
- MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements
"No class names, no frameworks, just semantic HTML and you're done."
- 5 VSCode Quick Tips to Boost Your HTML Writing | Hacker Noon
"I've managed to look for some time-savers that could improve my efficiency inside VSCode, and here are some that I found"
- Adactio: Journal--Apple's attack on service workers
"This is not a minor change. This is a crippling attack on service workers, a technology specifically designed to improve the user experience for return visits, whether it's through improved performance or offline access."
- Top 5 Most Common Accessibility Annotations | Deque
"Here is a link to download the kit and examples we featured in this article. You can download the kit as Adobe Illustrator (AI) files, Sketch files, or SVGs."
- HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
"Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript"
- Chromium Blog: Updates to form controls and focus
"These changes are available today in Edge on Windows, and may be seen in Chrome 81 as part of experiments."
- Laura Kalbag - How to read RSS in 2020
"I think this defeats the point of providing RSS, where a big benefit is that the reader can customise how the posts display in their feed reader to improve their reading experience."