Diigo Bookmarks 03/18/2020
- Why videos on GOV.UK use the YouTube video player - Accessibility in government
"YouTube embeds their videos via an iframe. Iframes are difficult to navigate for screen reader users as to understand what an iframe is about, iframes need to have a "title" attribute on them. For videos, it should give the video title."
- News | Greenland, Antarctica Melting Six Times Faster Than in the 1990s
"The two regions have lost 6.4 trillion tons of ice in three decades; unabated, this rate of melting could cause flooding that affects hundreds of millions of people by 2100."
- Motion · Blog · The future of design tools (and why developers should care) · Animated SVG icon editor
"Imagine: You have your web app open. If you click "Edit" mode you authenticate with your local dev environment and boom, the Inspect Element tool is now accessing your local file system. Make a change in the DOM directly through Inspect Element, commit and push the changes and you're done. Do you like the sound of that?"
- How to Create a "Skip to Content" Link | CSS-Tricks
"Google (not a skip link, but a link to leave accessibility feedback)"
- XR Accessibility User Requirements - call for review | W3C Blog
"XAUR is published by the Research Questions Task Force (RQTF). RQTF is a task force of the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group at W3C. The APA works to ensure W3C specifications provide support for accessibility to people with disabilities."
- A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS | CSS-Tricks
"In this guide, let's cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function."