Diigo Bookmarks 03/17/2020
- Remote UX Work: The NN/g Case Study
"When you don't see your coworkers every day, it's easy to slip into feeling disconnected from them."
- Web Typography Tips
"Here I will roughly share a part of my process, starting with choosing and setting typeface."
- Twitter thread as blog post: Thoughts on how we write CSS | Lara Schenck
"design tools generate CSS according to the visual design only. This sounds good in theory, but that machine-CSS is totally divorced from the rest of the code-base, and very difficult to maintain"
- CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics | Adrian Roselli
"Those who attended my talk got to see it live. For those who did not attend my talk, or opted to skip CSUN overall, I have posted my slides."
- Localizing Currency • Nuno Sans
"One of the more interesting challenges in designing Currency was localizing it. This article delves into the workflow and design details that go into localizing an iOS application, its website and marketing material."
- Smart Speakers Study - Mon(IoT)r Research Group
"Are these devices constantly recording our conversations? In short, we found no evidence to support this. The devices do wake up frequently, but often for short intervals (with some exceptions)."
- npm is joining GitHub - The GitHub Blog
"I'm excited to announce that GitHub has signed an agreement to acquire npm."
- 'CSS X' | W3C Blog
"who could define a CSS version? The CSS working group doesn't seem to feel it has time for it. Fantasai suggested that the working group could just act as the publisher."