Diigo Bookmarks 03/01/2020
- More colourful web with invisible design - Metamatrix
"A page section containing non-essential but nice-to-have information could be decorated with the html attribute data-simplification="low" so that it can be hidden by the browser from users who need to reduce complexity."
- Google PageSpeed Insights: The Truth About Scoring 100/100
"What really matters is the actual speed of your website. To put it into perspective, we've seen sites with average loading times of under 500 milliseconds (which is extremely fast!) that don't have a 100/100 score on PageSpeed Insights."
- Introducing the Page Visibility API - Level Up Coding
"When a user minimizes the window or switches to another tab, the Page Visibility API sends a visibilitychange event to let listeners know that the state of the page has changed."
- Things to consider when doing usability testing with disabled people -- Frozen Rockets
"Seeing (disabled) people struggle to use the website you designed can be a real wake up call, and can help designers come to the conclusion that "clever" solutions, may not always be so clever after all."
- HTML: The Inaccessible Parts - daverupert.com
"There are some cases where even using plain ol' HTML causes accessibility problems. I get frustrated and want to quit web development whenever I read about these types of issues. Because if browsers can't get this right, what hope is there for the rest of us."
- What Does A Foldable Web Actually Mean? -- Smashing Magazine
"In many cases, the 'foldable web' will simply mean better-optimizing sites for tablet-sized displays. At present tablets only have around 3% market share worldwide (compared to 52% for mobile and 45% for desktop)."