Diigo Bookmarks 02/24/2020
- Resize Observer
"This specification describes an API for observing changes to Element's size."
- Don't touch my clipboard · Caffeinspiration
"Interestingly, this function must run before the copy event is fully bubbled up. This means that it's intercepting the copy event, modifying the text that's selected, and passing it on, like a man-in-the-middle attack against your clipboard."
- Capping image fidelity on ultra-high resolution devices
"We made a change to Twitter for iOS, Twitter for Android and Twitter RWeb to check if the screen resolution is higher than 2x and, if it is, we will calculate the variant/size to load as if the screen was 2x. However, when viewing images in the gallery, we always will load the full image."
- Getting Fancy with position: sticky; | CSS-Tricks
"sticky isn't just for the top of the screen."
- How Cisco Built an Enterprise Global Design System - Abstract
"A large part of the effort feels grassroots despite being in a large company."
- Role-up | Adrian Roselli
"To use an ARIA role on an HTML element to change its semantics and/or force it to accept an accessible name (via aria-label, aria-labelledby, or even aria-describedby). To add ARIA roles everywhere without understanding, often via framework or library."
- Freezing User-Agent Strings | CSS-Tricks
"Firefox and Safari don't support it. I wonder if it will get a bump if both of those browsers are signaling interest in UA-CH because of this frozen UA string stuff."