Diigo Bookmarks 02/22/2020
- Styling The Good Ol' Button Element
"In this article, I will walk you through the fine details of a button element and how to style it perfectly to ensure that it works great on all browsers."
- When CSS Blocks - Web Performance Consulting | TimKadlec.com
"If you're using loadCSS with the preload/polyfill pattern, switch to the print stylesheet pattern instead."
- scroll-margin | CSS-Tricks
"scroll-margin is used to adjust an element's snap area (the box that defines where the element will be snapped to)."
- Fixed Headers and Jump Links? The Solution is scroll-margin-top | CSS-Tricks
"It's often talked about in conjunction with scroll snapping, but I find this use case even more practical."
- iOS 13 Design Guidelines, Templates, and Downloads - Learn UI Design
"For the first 5 or 6 years of iPhone releases, screen sizes were pretty manageable. If your design worked on a 320x480 screen, you were golden. Now, it's the wild west out there. There are 3 new screen sizes from just the last 3 years!"
- How To Design Mobile Apps For One-Hand Usage -- Smashing Magazine
"We use our phones a great deal when we are preoccupied or in a hurry. This greatly impacts how users hold their phones and how they use the apps resulting in a lot more of one-handed-usage than the 49% number suggested above."