Diigo Bookmarks 02/11/2020
- UX 101: Norman Doors - UX Collective
"If you need to label something, it is poorly designed"
- EightShapes > @components > Design System Subtasks, by Step
"Subtasks per step offer robustness, lead to quality, and generate confidence and trust that the system is a disciplined, focused effort. However, with rigor comes complexity, wider coordination, and overhead. Things can slow down."
- HTMHell - #16 alt, no wait..., aria-label, no wait..., alt
"Avoid aria attributes when possible."
- Why Minimalism in UI Design is still such a popular choice. | Marc Andrew
"Times have changed. A minimal look is what the user feels comfortable with. They want X, Y and Z app to do something in the fastest possible time, with the least cognitive effort required to achieve their goals."
- 2019 in Review
"An interesting consequence of being able to deploy so fast and so frequently is that it completely changes testing and quality assurance."
- The design systems we swim in. -- Ethan Marcotte
"a design system that optimizes for consistency relies on compliance: specifically, the people using the system have to comply with the system's rules, in order to deliver on that promised consistency. And this is why that, as a way of doing something, a design system can be pretty dehumanizing."
- Humans can't read URLs. How can we fix it? - Nicolas Hoizey
"That's why I really like what Jake suggests, as it makes the eTLD+1 obvious for security, but keeps the full URL alongside it, if there's enough space"