Diigo Bookmarks 02/09/2020
- Size Does Matter: LEGO's 300MB Android App - Doug Sillars: Performance Expert and Developer Advocate
"To ensure that the bluetooth update could be run quickly during device build, LEGO decided that embedding 245 MB of device firmware into the app was the best way."
- Squarespace, Wix, & Weebly: Accessibility Review | Terrill Thompson
"Both Squarespace and Wix are capable of creating accessible sites, but the user has to be looking to do so--it isn't gonna happen by default."
- What Flushing Toilets Taught Me About Web Design - Cloud Four
"When you're designing a tool someone needs to use -- whether it's a toilet flusher or a checkout form -- make it elegant. But more importantly, make it easy to use and understand."
- aria-live attribute support tests
"What is the current support of aria-live regions, is it support by anything? Let's find out!"
- Why use a form element when submitting fields with JavaScript? | Go Make Things
"Whether users click the button, use the space bar to press it, or hit the enter key from one of the fields, a single event listener will capture the user behavior so that you can hook into it and run your JavaScript."
- News | Arctic Ice Melt Is Changing Ocean Currents
"What this study is showing is that the loss of sea ice has really important impacts on our climate system that we're only just discovering"