Diigo Bookmarks 02/06/2020
- Meet "The Ethical Design Handbook": How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind -- Smashing Magazine
"Meet our new practical guide on how to influence a positive change in your company and help your business grow sustainably. Without dark patterns, with ethics in mind, and ready for GDPR and CCPA."
- How to die on Mars | Space
"when people die in a location like Mars, the resources that are a part of their body cannot go to waste. From salt and other minerals to carbon, water and so much more, the human body is made up of an enormously long list of raw materials that could be valuable resources for living crewmembers."
- Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
"In people with normal vision (or corrected-to-normal vision), visual performance tends to be better with light mode, whereas some people with cataract and related disorders may perform better with dark mode. On the flip side, long-term reading in light mode may be associated with myopia."
- HTTPS Is Easy!
"No, really, it's dead simple. This 4-part series takes you through the basics of adding HTTPS for free with Cloudflare."
- Web Performance Calendar » Native Image Lazy Loading in Chrome Is Way Too Eager
"I see the lazy-loaded images being fetched at ~ window.pageYOffset = 8500 on desktop and they become visible at ~ window.pageYOffset = 11500. So, the image lazy-load logic of Chrome seems to be: if the image is 3000 or less pixels below the viewport, load it."
- Design Systems, Agile, and Industrialization | Brad Frost
"Sure, design systems have the ability to dehumanize and that's something to actively watch out for. But I'd also say to pay close attention to the processes and organizational culture we take part in and contribute to."