Diigo Bookmarks 02/02/2020
- Captions and Subtitles, What's the difference - Maxability
"Captions and subtitles are identical but different. Though not the popular term SDHH (subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing) solves the intention of captions and subtitles. Captions are mandatory to meet global accessibility standards"
- Innovation Can't Keep the Web Fast | CSS-Tricks
"It's becoming increasingly clear that web performance isn't solely an engineering problem, but a problem of people. This is an unappealing assessment in part because technical solutions are comparably inarguable."
- SEO and Intent 2020: New Study Reveals True State Of Search - Ignite Visibility
"Meta descriptions remain a crucial SEO element. When asked which factor has the most significant impact on their decision to click a result, 62.9% responded it was the description."
- Quick developer tools tip: simulating dark/light colour mode | Christian Heilmann
"to avoid having to change your whole OS to test for this, browser developer tools have simulators for these modes. In Microsoft Edge, these are in the "more tools" section."
- The Unicode Blog: Unicode Emoji 13.0 -- Now final for 2020
"The Emoji 13.0 are now final, with 62 new emoji"
- AI is Here, Time to Reimagine your Accessibility Strategy | UX Magazine
"The AI involved in conversational UIs has the potential to be an even larger disruption, and also opens the door to being more inclusive."
- Axe Updates: Introducing the Keyboard Guided Test | Deque
"We are very excited to announce the immediate availability of the 4.3 release of the axe Chrome Extension! Included in this release are bug fixes, usability improvements, and a new Intelligent Guided Test for axe Pro users."