Diigo Bookmarks 01/25/2020
- Adactio: Journal--Web standards, dictionaries, and design systems
"A prescriptive approach might give you a beautiful design system, but if it doesn't reflect the actual product, it's fiction."
- Debug z-index stacking content with 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools - Microsoft Edge Blog
"The general 3D View shows a representation of the DOM (Document Object Model) depth using color and stacking, and the z-Index view helps you isolate the different stacking contexts of your page."
- Standards for Writing Accessibly - A List Apart
"The average reading time for sighted readers is two to five words per second. Screen-reader users can comprehend text being read at an average of 35 syllables per second, which is significantly faster."
- The CSS Cascade
"Every time we write a CSS declaration (or rule), it will enter the CSS Cascade, which will determine whether or not it will end up as the final style. The further down the cascade a declaration falls, the less likely it will end up as the final style."
- The Mozilla Developer Roadshow: Asia Tour Retrospective and 2020 Plans - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"because our audiences included non-native English speakers, presenters took care to include local language vocabulary in their talks, wherever applicable, and to speak slowly and clearly."
- My thoughts on Microsoft's move to Chromium - Intopia
"Oh, and credit to Microsoft for already implementing High Contrast Mode better than Chrome! (without the need for a plugin). Here's hoping it's magically fixed in Chrome soon too..."
- Invisible design systems - UX Collective
"In 2020, we should be spending less energy in creating new components for our design system, and focus our attention in understanding the systems behind the design."