Diigo Bookmarks 01/23/2020
- The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability | CSS-Tricks
"In the past few years, we've seen a lot of change and diversion in regard to web technologies. In 2020, I foresee us as a web community heading toward two major trends/goals: extensibility and interoperability. Let's break those down."
- Bad accessibility equals bad quality - Manuel Matuzović
"Web accessibility is not just about keyboard users, color contrast or screen readers. Accessibility is a perfect indicator for the quality of a website."
- Some Imaginary CSS - Cloud Four
"The other day I was using CSS grid and custom properties to solve some problems that would have seemed almost impossible only a year or two ago. This made me wonder: What CSS could I be writing in a few years that might seem far-fetched today?"
- The Risks of Imitating Designs (Even from Successful Companies)
"Even great companies make mistakes. Don't risk your UX by assuming it's safe to follow a design pattern just because it's used by a successful company."
- 4 CSS layouts without using media queries | Polypane browser for dev & design
"With flexbox and grid you can make responsive layouts without having to define fixed breakpoints with media queries. Adam Argyle recently showed us a tweet-sized example of this in action, where just 13 lines of CSS give you 4 separate layouts."
- schema blog: Schema.org 6.0
"We are now aiming to release updated schemas on an approximately monthly basis (with longer gaps around vacation periods)."
- Hamburger ☰ Heaven ★ Stellify
"Besides ☰, which represents heaven 天, we have ☱ for lake/marsh 澤, ☲ for fire 火, ☳ for thunder 雷, ☴ for wind 風, ☵ for water 水, ☶ for mountain 山, and ☷ for ground 地."