Diigo Bookmarks 01/11/2020
- LEGO IDEAS - Blog - 10K Club Interview: Meet Simon Dudley and his Nasa Spacecraft
"I've always loved space and always found the craft to be unique, they look futuristic but also look like they never left the 80s, I looked at some of the past NASA missions and thought it would be interesting to make a set that included some of these missions craft."
- Intro to Conversation Design - Michael Huang - Medium
"VUI design likewise follows process, but the underlying principles are slightly different, focused around human language understanding."
- An Unexpected Benefit of Tailwind CSS
"Utility-first frameworks like Tailwind CSS, are an elegant and simple solution to solving the issues we all face when refactoring or removing dead HTML."
- Checking 3rd Party Vendors' Product Accessibility -- Knowbility
"You are looking at acquiring a new system for your site. You know it needs to be accessible, but you don't know much about accessibility - and you aren't really a "techie." How can you improve your chances of procuring an accessible product from a 3rd party vendor?"
- "You're using the wrong design tool" - DESK Magazine
"Every tool comes with its own upsides and downsides, but most of them are increasingly the same. They mostly differ in workflow. But I can promise you, they all draw rectangles equally as well."
- How to Stack Elements in CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Another nice way of overlapping elements, stacking them, or modifying their placement is CSS Grid, depending on how far back you need to support"