Diigo Bookmarks 12/31/2019
- Using CSS custom properties to reduce the size of your CSS | CodyHouse
"Unlike SASS variables, CSS Custom Properties can be modified in class selectors, allowing you to create abstractions and reduce the size of your CSS."
- Interactivity and Animation with Variable Fonts ◆ 24 ways
"Because variable fonts can have an interpolated range of values we can leverage the flexibility and interactive nature of the web. Rather than using SVG, videos or JavaScript to accomplish these effects, we can create animations or transitions using real text, and we can do this using techniques we may already be familiar with."
- State of Storybook 2019 - Storybook - Medium
"Leading the pack are Storybook for Vue (309% YTD growth), React Native (168%), Angular (420%), and HTML (893%). This growth translates into a more useful and robust platform."
- The Not-So-Secret Value of Podcast Transcripts - Whiteboard Friday - Moz
"After about three months of adding a couple of podcast transcripts, we saw some pretty good value for them. We saw a 15% increase in organic traffic to the website and a 50% increase to some keyword lift around the keywords that we were tracking."
- A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes | CSS-Tricks
"Our goal is to better understand what makes a palette "feel right" by exploring key color attributes with Sass color functions."
- What it means to be a front-end developer in 2020 (and beyond) | Layout
"All the while, the "front-end" is still just the browser. The browsers languages, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are still the core technologies at play. Those languages evolve, and so do the browsers themselves, but more slowly. They do quite the opposite of Silicon Valley's favorite slogan: move fast and break things. They move slowly and very rarely break anything."