Diigo Bookmarks 12/22/2019
- Accessible Products: Beyond Code - 24 Accessibility
"We simply need to realize, usability concerns are actually Cognitive Accessibility concerns."
- Trimming Multi-Line Text in CSS - Elad Shechter - Medium
"Unfortunately, line-clamp doesn't work when the direction: rtl;. I assume it's because line-clamp is an unofficial feature that wasn't fully tested."
- I <3 the cascade! | Go Make Things
"The cascade let's me keep my stylesheets small, lean, and performant. It means I don't have to redeclare styles for the same element over and over again for each component I include it in."
- A Designers Guide to the Terminal | React for Design
"You can learn how to use the terminal in a fairly short amount of time. You don't need a C.S. degree. You don't need to know how to hack any mainframes."
- The Legacy of Dr. Jim Thatcher, Accessibility Pioneer
"The first "screen readers" weren't in software. They were dedicated pieces of hardware, like PC-SAID's precursor called SAID (Synthetic Audio Interface Driver), created in the 1970s, which cost $10,000 ($39,470 in 2019 currency). What Jim did was recreate that hardware in software, for IBM's OS/2 operating system."
- Producing Transcending CSS Revisited -- Stuff & Nonsense
"We decided to make an online version of Transcending CSS which would be free for everyone to read. Then, we'd typeset the book into a new format and offer it as an ebook and PDF."