Diigo Bookmarks 12/19/2019
- <select> your poison part 2: test all the things - 24 Accessibility
"In general, the more complex a custom component, the more its usability will likely be context-dependent. A more app-like product that has heavy repeat use can afford to design custom components that trade a steeper learning curve for higher efficiency once learned."
- <select> your poison - 24 Accessibility
"Hopefully it is now thoroughly clear that recreating the native behavior of a <select> element is impossible: its underlying semantics differ across platforms; its keyboard behavior is inconsistent; its mobile presentation and behavior is entirely different from desktop."
- Project Connected Home over IP
"Project Connected Home over IP is a new Working Group that plans to develop and promote the adoption of a new, royalty-free connectivity standard to increase compatibility among smart home products, with security as a fundamental design tenet."
- Usablenet - UsableNet Releases its 2019 ADA Web Accessibility and App Lawsuit Report
"The rate of filing for ADA Website lawsuits continues at one-an-hour / 66% of top retailers and 60% of top Restaurants received Website lawsuits / 21% of lawsuits are against companies that have been sued in the past for digital inaccessibility"
- The State of JavaScript 2019
"We were pretty sure 2018 would be the last time we did this survey. After all, the JavaScript ecosystem can't very well keep changing again, can it?"
- HTML is a living language | Go Make Things
"If you're newer to web development, you may not know what the web was like before web standards. In short, it was fucking awful."