Diigo Bookmarks 12/16/2019
- A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019 - Level Up Coding
"Now that things are more stable, this has allowed developers to focus more on tools to localize their apps and make them more accessible, which makes the web better for everyone. We should be proud of the progress we've made, but there is still a long way to go."
- CSS { In Real Life } | 7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties
"Some properties (like clip-path) still require vendor prefixes in some browsers - although thankfully that number is going down. If you need to write a vendor prefix and then you want to change the property value, you need to make sure you change it on the prefixed property too."
- A History of CSS Through Fifteen Years of 24 ways ◆ 24 ways
"I've written nine articles in the 15 years of 24 ways, and all but one of those articles had something to do with CSS. In this last year of the project, I thought I would take a look back at those CSS articles."
- Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes | CSS-Tricks
where to put the cite element? Inside? Outside? The upside down? If we put it inside the <blockquote> or the <q>, we're making it part of the quote. That's forbidden by the spec for just that reason.
- Designing for Design Systems
"This page is meant to serve as a guide to help designers and developers work together to build design systems."
- Presentation: Move Fast & Don't Break Things, Scott Jehl 2019 | Filament Group, Inc.
"Building accessibly to us also means that once the code is delivered, the website should be usable and intuitive and feel appropriate to folks using any device, browser, viewport size, and assistive technology."