Diigo Bookmarks 12/13/2019
- Opera for Android 55 evolves with a new night mode and by turning bright web pages dark - Blog | Opera Mobile
"Naturally, we support dark mode CSS for the relatively few web pages that provide it. However, with dark web pages, we have also put major effort into applying clever CSS changes to web pages without such support to make your night-time browsing even darker."
- Making the web for real people - 24 Accessibility
"I don't think that performance, usability, accessibility, and other problems happen because people are bad designers or developers, or have bad motives, but because sometimes we make bad decisions."
- If you ARIA label something, give it a role - Marco's Accessibility Blog
"TL;DR: As a rule of thumb, if you label something via aria-label or aria-labelledby, make sure it has a proper widget or landmark role."
- I Invented the World Wide Web. Here's How We Can Fix It. - World Wide Web Foundation
"To make the online world a place worth being in, we must all use the Contract for the Web to fight now for the web we want."
- Why CSS HSL Colors are Better! - Elad Shechter - Medium
"HSL works in the same way our brain perceives colors: a color that we can manipulate with lightness and saturation."
- Usablenet - 7 Predictions for Accessibility in 2020 and Beyond
"we're hearing from some ADA lawyers that adding Accessibility clauses into new website and App procurement and contracts may be a way for companies to mitigate legal risk."
- Leonardo: an open source contrast-based color generator
"Simply put, Leonardo is for dynamic accessibility of your products."