Diigo Bookmarks 12/07/2019
- Chrome Developer Summit 2019: performance announcements you have to know - Calibre
"Significant changes are coming to Lighthouse 6, due to be released in January. The scoring algorithm will be overhauled to emphasize the importance of new metrics"
- How to Use New CSS ":is()" for Easy Element Targeting
"You can probably intuit the functionality of :is() just by looking at it: it's a means to test if an element is a certain thing, working essentially as a boolean like the if you'll find in many programming languages."
- Edge vs. Chrome: Microsoft's Tracking Prevention hits Google the hardest | ZDNet
"The new Edge browser, built on the same open source code as Google Chrome, contains a new Tracking Prevention feature that blocks third-party trackers and, at the Strict setting, many ads. My tests show that one in four items blocked are from Google."
- [css-mediaqueries] Proposal: "prefers-reduced-data" · Issue #2370 · w3c/csswg-drafts · GitHub
"Well, this would not detect the HTTP header, since that is sent from the client to the server, and this runs on the client, but we could have this and trigger it on the same conditions that cause the client to send that header."
- Six Web Performance Technologies to Watch in 2020 - Simon Hearne
"While Netlify is the clear leader in this space in 2019, I expect multiple solutions to appear in 2020 and build a competitive marketplace for enterprise JAMstack deployments. This has the potential to significantly erode the Wordpress marketplace, which currently accounts for 34% of the web!"
- Web Performance Calendar » The ugly truth about optimising beautiful images
"I love optimising images, I think it is one of the easiest performance optimisations to do. However, before optimising your images you should have realistic expectations about what you're aiming to achieve. Good performance is about more than reducing bytes."