Diigo Bookmarks 12/01/2019
- How to Overlap Images in CSS | Bri Camp Gomez
"I will write out two solid approaches to overlapping images without having content overlap our wonderful image component I'll affectionately call the "image stack"."
- 10 Rules of Dashboard Design - Muzli - Design Inspiration
"It is a possibility that your audience level varies from level one to the other. This is a challenging point and like any other design project, you can segment your audience and divide the information accordingly as basic and advanced content."
- The false paradox -- accessibility and aesthetics - UX Collective
"the most important point Alex Chen makes is that the so-called "needs" around aesthetics are simply not as important as those surrounding accessibility."
- Simplified Fluid Typography | CSS-Tricks
"Clamp takes three values, a min, max, and a flexible unit (or calculation or whatever) in the middle that it will use in case the value is between the min and max."
- Auditing For Accessibility Problems With Firefox Developer Tools - Marco's Accessibility Blog
"In Firefox 70, the Inspector has become an auditing facility to help identify and fix many common mistakes and practices that reduce site accessibility. In this post, I will offer an overview of what is available in this latest release."
- The Smallest Difference ・ Robin Rendle
"Ideally what we want is every number to align correctly and the decimal point to be in the same position each time to allow for better legibility. The good news is that we've had ways in which to fix this on the web for years now! With OpenType features within webfonts we can use alternate characters"
- HTMHell - #11 The trigram for heaven
"A screen reader may announce this as trigram for heaven menu, because ☰ is the unicode character for the trigram for heaven."