Diigo Bookmarks 11/28/2019
- Accessibility drives aesthetics - UX Collective
"Accessibility drives aesthetics because the ability to use something is beautiful."
- Good design was always accessible - Sharlene King - Medium
"If you want a career where constraints aren't part of the challenge, get out of design. If you wish to do timeless work that impacts society, embrace design constraints, and challenge yourself to do better by every user."
- Who Can Use
"It's a tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments."
- Scaling SVG Elements
"The <svg> element is a telescope into another world."
- Storytelling CSS Class Names - Elad Shechter - Medium
"Sometimes I run into situations where I need additional CSS class names to manipulate the styles. When that happens, I categorize those situations into typical types and I give every type of them a prefix class-name, which represents that type."
- My thoughts on Gutenberg Accessibility - Marco's Accessibility Blog
"WordPress and Gutenberg project leaders: You want WordPress to be a platform for everyone? Well, I'd say it is about time to put your money where your mouth is, and start getting serious about that commitment. It is never too late to change a public stance and get positive reactions for it."