Diigo Bookmarks 11/24/2019
- Footer Links Should be Divided into Distinct Semantic Sections (13% of Sites Don't) - Articles - Baymard Institute
"Not semantically grouping the footer links, like seen here at Disney Store, means that users has to read every link until they find what is relevant to them, rather than being able to just pinpoint the correct group of links, by reading only section headers."
- Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2019
"Several form elements are finally getting a visual refresh! Not only are the elements being designed to look more modern, but they are being designed with accessibility and mobile in mind."
- Embracing the Universal Web | CSS-Tricks
"It's time for us to take the lessons we learned from Responsive Web Design, adapting to screen sizes, and expand out: adapting to screen readers, legacy browsers, "smart" speakers, and any number of other interfaces."
- The future is bright, because the future is static | CSS-Tricks
"This is the magic of SSGs, because they give us developer experience, but much more importantly, because the output is static and lightweight (unless you prevent that with lots of code), it creates a really solid basis for a good user experience, too!"
- The Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode for Email Marketers - Litmus Software, Inc.
"There's an exception though: plain-text emails do trigger the application of a Dark Mode theme, and the minimum code that blocks Dark Mode from applying to a plain-text email is a 2×1 image--this is to ensure that you can include a 1×1 tracking pixel while retaining a "plain-text"-like feel."
- Multiple-column Layout and column-span in Firefox 71 - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Firefox 71 implements column-span from Multiple-column Layout. In this post I'll explain what it is and a little about the progress of the Multiple-column Layout specification."
- Design Tokens beyond colors, typography, and spacing.
"From a purely technical point of view, design tokens are organised lists of key-value pairs that describe design decisions. So it's just a matter of convenience (and context) what are the boundaries that we assume when describing a UI via design tokens."