Diigo Bookmarks 11/14/2019
- Real Web Development on iPad - @lachlanjc/notebook
"The lack of devtools in iOS Safari has long frustrated me. I've tried a number of apps in the past and made my own failed attempts to bundle Chrome's devtools, but I've finally found a solution: Inspect."
- Paged.js - Paged Media
"Paged.js is an open-source library to paginate content in the browser. Based on the W3C specifications, it's a sort of polyfill for Paged Media and Generated Content for Paged Media CSS modules."
- Chromium Blog: Moving towards a faster web
"In the future, Chrome may identify sites that typically load fast or slow for users with clear badging. This may take a number of forms and we plan to experiment with different options, to determine which provides the most value to our users."
- Semantic sidenotes for the web | Koos Looijesteijn
"You need JavaScript to vertically align the sidenote with the phrase it refers to. On narrow viewports there's little practical difference between scroll jumping down to footnote and to a sidenote below the paragraph."
- Upcoming notification permission changes in Firefox 72 - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Firefox will require explicit user interaction on all notification permission prompts, starting in Firefox 72."
- The Front-End Tooling Survey 2019 - Results - AshleyNolan.co.uk - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan
"44.69% of respondents said that they now use a CSS-in-JS tool, with the most popular option being Styled Components (27.02%). CSS Modules (9.72%) and Emotion (3.96%) were the next most popular tools with developers."
- GitHub for mobile · GitHub
"Bring GitHub collaboration tools to your small screens with GitHub for mobile. Sign up for the iOS beta or get on the list for our Android version--and we'll let you know when your app of choice is ready."