Diigo Bookmarks 11/09/2019
- AirPods Pro Page Performance | foobartel.com
"I'd argue it's less about how much in general, but how much is required to deliver your experience. For every site that gave me a wow-experience, I'd probably be much more forgiving. If you serve me "colored boxes", 5Mb of CSS and JS might not be required..."
- Everyone uses CSS frameworks - Sebastiano Guerriero - Medium
"I think there's a misleading message that is delivered to young developers: "Frameworks are bad. If you were a good developer, you'd write clean CSS from scratch"."
- World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency | BioScience | Oxford Academic
"Our goals need to shift from GDP growth and the pursuit of affluence toward sustaining ecosystems and improving human well-being by prioritizing basic needs and reducing inequality."
- Fitbit, Inc. - Fitbit to Be Acquired by Google
"With Google's resources and global platform, Fitbit will be able to accelerate innovation in the wearables category, scale faster, and make health even more accessible to everyone."
- aria-label Does Not Translate | Adrian Roselli
"One of the big risks of using ARIA to define text content is that it often gets overlooked in translation. Automated translation services often do not capture it. Those who pay for localization services all too often miss content in ARIA attributes when sending text strings to localization vendors."
- Getting your sites ready for the new Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog
"The new Microsoft Edge allows you to run IE11 validation for legacy sites in addition to your modern experiences. To run your IE11 tests in Microsoft Edge, download the IEDriverServer from Selenium. Then you must pass in a capability to put Microsoft Edge into IE Mode and then run your tests."
- W3C Website redesign - RFP
"The website is well-designed but / Is hard to navigate / Is out-dated in look and not consistently responsive / Has too much content that is unsorted / Lacks a cohesive look"