Diigo Bookmarks 10/26/2019
- image orientation on the web
"When looking for possible ways to fix orientation using CSS or JavaScript I found about the image-orientation property. At the moment this property is only supported in Firefox and you can use it this way so browsers honor the EXIF data and fix the orientation"
- Firefox 70 -- a bountiful release for all - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"In supporting browsers (just Firefox at the time of writing), the single keyword values we know and love will map to new two-keyword values"
- Options for Hosting Your Own Non-JavaScript-Based Analytics | CSS-Tricks
"You can self-host the analytics. Always something to be said for owning your own data. Data collection doesn't require JavaScript. That's so often blocked these days, as wariness of third-party JavaScript grows. It's interesting to consider the entirely unobtrusive server-log based analytics."
- JAMstack Tools and The Spectrum of Classification | CSS-Tricks
"With the wonderful world of JAMstack getting big, all the categories of services and tools that help it along are as important as ever. There are static site generators, headless CMSs, and static file hosts."
- Create more, destroy less - Paul Bakaus' blog
"It's going to be hard, because creating things is hard. It's much easier to consume, critique, comment and destroy. It's so easy, and temping, to read your angry Twitter timeline every day and think you're improving the world by destroying ideas you don't agree with."
- Bidirectional horizontal rules in CSS - DEV Community
"Building an interface to support both LTR and RTL layouts is a challenge. Flexbox and Grid certainly makes things easier, but they don't cover all our styling needs."
- Good UX = Boring UI. Don't Be Creative - UX Engineer
"Companies are increasingly adopting Design Systems that all but eliminate a designer's ability to express their creativity. But this is a good thing. With less focus on the "I" in "UI," designers have more time to focus on the "U." At the end of the day, the user is what really matters."