Diigo Bookmarks 10/13/2019
- The Obvious UI is Often the Best UI - Google Design - Medium
"Google Product Director Luke Wroblewski espoused the design principle "obvious always wins," and pushed designers to recognize that clear interactions outperform clever ones."
- Build a PWA Using Only Vanilla JavaScript - Level Up Coding
"In this tutorial, we are going to build a PWA using only vanilla JavaScript but to do that we'll need to make a normal Web App first."
- Toucaan--Rethinking CSS Frameworks.
"Since there are hardly any devices in shape of a perfect square, mathematically speaking we can take it for granted that a webpage will either render in portrait mode or landscape."
- Using AI to give people who are blind the "full picture"
"we've built an automatic image description feature called Get Image Descriptions from Google. When a screen reader encounters an image or graphic without a description, Chrome will create one."
- WebHint in Firefox DevTools: Improve Compatibility, Accessibility and more - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"A key benefit is integration across the development cycle -- while you author in VS Code, test in CI/CD automation, or benchmark sites in the online scanner. Having Webhint available in DevTools adds in-page context and inspection capabilities."
- How to design delightful dark themes - Superhuman
"it is difficult to create a delightful dark theme. We cannot simply reuse our colors or invert our shades. If we do, we will achieve the opposite of what we want: we will increase eyestrain and make it harder to read in low light. We may even break our information hierarchy."
- An Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities | Deque
"In this post, we focus on how to make technologies accessible to people with cognitive disabilities, a type of disability that is often overlooked."
- Possibly the Most Useful CSS Trick - DEV Community
":not(:placeholder-shown) simply means applying a style to an input element when the placeholder isn't shown; meaning that styles will only apply when the input box isn't empty."