Diigo Bookmarks 08/24/2019
- Understanding Success Criterion 6.1.1: Give a Shit
"The intent of this success criterion is to get developers to stop complaining. Everyone has a right to use the web. Grow up and do your god-damned job!"
- The Browser Monopoly - Blair Reeves
"Firefox is a fine browser by itself, and I use it almost exclusively. As a basic browser, it is effectively indistinguishable from Chrome. But I have the comfort of knowing that my personal information is protected (to the extent possible) - and also that my portal to the web is not custom-built to track me and serve me ads. It's still an open question whether personal preferences like this, to make individual choices for greater control over one's internet experience, are realistic with the modern web. Time will tell. But it's companies like Mozilla that will likely decide it."
- A pop of color and more: updates to Android's brand
"As a global operating system, it's important that these names are clear and relatable for everyone in the world. So, this next release of Android will simply use the version number and be called Android 10."
- Building a more private web
"Privacy is paramount to us, in everything we do. So today, we are announcing a new initiative to develop a set of open standards to fundamentally enhance privacy on the web. We're calling this a Privacy Sandbox."
- Reading Systems Accessibility Support Roundup | Inclusive Publishing
"Be aware: The EPUB reader in Edge will be replaced by other solutions in a forthcoming Windows update (possibly in Q1 of 2020)."
- FasterChrome - Chrome ウェブストア
"Before you click on a link, you hover your mouse over it. When you have hovered for 65 milliseconds there is one chance out of two that you will click, so FasterChrome starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload."