Diigo Bookmarks 07/27/2019
- What's New In DevTools (Chrome 77) | Web | Google Developers
"If you're using the dark theme of your OS, DevTools now switches to its own dark theme automatically."
- How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSS - DEV Community
"In this article, I'll teach you how to use CSS Grid to create a super cool image grid which varies the number of columns with the width of the screen. And the most beautiful part: the responsiveness will be added with a single line of CSS."
- Automating RTL CSS | Nervewax
"Enter CSSJanus, an npm package based on a project originally made by google, designed to automate the conversion of LTR CSS to RTL."
- The Web We Want
"We started this project to collect your feedback about the current state of the web and to give you a voice to help shape what the future of web."
- Progressive Enhancement
"The problem is based on a survey of my own followers, that's to say that they're likely to have similar interests and values when it comes to web dev, 25% of 800 developers still believe that progressive enhancement is simply making the site work without JavaScript enabled."
- The Mutable Web | simulacrum party
"I guess I don't have a real call to action to wrap this up, but if you love the web -- or what the web could be -- I would urge you to spend some time thinking and talking about how we use the web, and the difference between consuming the web and participating in the web."
- iOS 13 Contextual Menus - Louie A. - Product Design
"By using a long-press gesture instead of 3D Touch for their invocation, Contextual Menus are available on iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS devices. On 3D Touch-enabled devices, applying extra pressure shortens the duration of the long-press gesture."